1. 直播彈幕遊戲
Live Barrage Games
- 開發與發行:我們開發並發行高質素的直播彈幕遊戲,將快節奏的動作、驚艷的視覺效果和富有策略性的玩法相結合。
- Development and Publishing: We develop and publish high-quality live barrage games, combining fast-paced action, stunning visuals, and strategic gameplay.
- 全球發行:我們利用廣泛的合作夥伴網絡,將我們的直播彈幕遊戲推廣至全球主要市場的玩家手中。
- Global Distribution: We leverage our extensive network of partners to distribute our live barrage games to players in key markets around the world.
- 社區互動:我們通過定期更新、舉辦活動和提供互動體驗,圍繞我們的遊戲培育強大的社區。
- Community Engagement: We foster strong communities around our games through regular updates, events, and interactive experiences.
2. 手機遊戲
Mobile Games
- 多元化產品組合:我們開發並發行多種類型的手機遊戲,涵蓋角色扮演遊戲(RPG)、策略遊戲和休閒遊戲等各類體裁。
- Diverse Portfolio: We develop and publish a diverse range of mobile games across various genres, including RPG, strategy, and casual games.
- 移動優先策略:我們將移動平台置於優先地位,針對智慧手機和平板電腦對遊戲進行優化。
- Mobile-First Approach: We prioritize mobile platforms, optimizing our games for smartphones and tablets.
- 盈利策略:我們實施有效的盈利策略,包括應用內購買和廣告投放,以實現可持續的營收。
- Monetization Strategies: We implement effective monetization strategies, including in-app purchases and advertising, to generate sustainable revenue.
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